My dream for this website is for it to become a small, cozy, and welcoming corner of the internet for writers and readers. However, I cannot make this website into that community without the support of other writers. In this article I will discuss the top reasons why I think you could benefit from joining this community and writing for us!
1) Have a platform to put your work out there (become a published writer, if you aren't already!)
For those of you who want to be published writers or novelists, you know that it has been harder and harder to get attention for your project. I want this to be a community where we can share our work and have others cheer us on and support it.
Does your query letter fall short on professional experience? Writing for a website like ours can show a potential agent that you have writing experience and connections.
Going the indie publishing route? You can publicize your work and write an article about your project.
Are you a new freelancer who wants to build up experience? You can utilize this beautiful platform to post articles you can link to for a future employer.
If we build up this community with passionate writers, we can get our work out there to help us with our future goals!
2) Connect and network with other writers
All of us are here because we like stories! If you write an article here, you can start or continue a conversation with other writers. I want this to be a hub for connecting with like minded people. If we all add to this website and make it the best place it can be, we can attract more writers. More writers means more opportunities to learn from one another, form groups, and help each other on our writing journeys.
3) Get a free 'home base' page
Right now, I really want to attract more people to this website. So, I am offering you a space on our platform! You can use our url to have your very own place to get your name out there. Whether that be to advance your professional opportunities, or make a page for your book or writing club.
What does that look like? Click below to find out!
Writers' Portfolio
Book Club/Writing Group
Thank you so much for supporting this community! I know it is just of a seed of an idea now, but with your support, we can grow it into a place that can help all of us find a safe place to share our writing.